Reflection #2- Collaboration Contract
Reflection #2
Dr. Wolf
August 31, 2015
Chair- Jenna Wilson
Recorder/Secretary- Jenna Wilson
Technology Specialist- Leanna Chesser
Aggregator- Alyssa Lockwood
Position Responsibilities
The chair contacts all group members regarding project meetings and group decisions.
The chair submits projects through Canvas.
The chair assures group stays on task at all times.
The chair conducts group meetings.
The chair provides resignation forms.
· The recorder/secretary ensures all meeting times and dates are properly recorded.
· The recorder/secretary compiles minutes from group meetings.
· The recorder/secretary ensure agreed actions discussed at meetings are carried out.
· The recorder/secretary files all group members contact information.
Technology Specialist
· The technology specialist will aid in any technical issues that may arise.
· The technology specialist will assist with learning how to navigate technology tools.
· The technology specialist will work with Auburn Office of Information Technology (OIT) help desk for any unanswered issues.
The technology specialist will provide a resignation form, in the event that the chair is the violator.
The Aggregator will review and edit the final product before submission.
The Aggregator will ensure that each group members voice is heard in each group discussion.
The Aggregator will provide a resignation form, in the event that the chair is the violator.
Conflict Management
The policies stated within this collaboration contract will be implemented and enforced by all who hold leadership positions. Our contract outlines expectations for all collaborative group members, issues within the collaborative group that may arise, and the resolution for failure to comply with the collaboration contract. We believe in presenting clear guidelines at the first collaborative group meeting to minimize group conflict. The conflicts of which we have discussed include tardiness, lack of participation, not fulfilling position responsibilities, belligerent behavior during group meetings, and poorly representing Auburn University policies. If any group members violate any of these standards, these resolutions will be implemented.
The first step of conflict resolution is addressing the issue between the group members of good standing. If the conflict is apparent to all the good standing group members, a meeting will be called to address the conflict with the violator. At this meeting, the reason why it is against the collaboration contract will be stated and group members in good standing will inform the violator of consequences if violations occur in the future. A warning will be issued at the conclusion of this meeting through oral or written expression. If this conflict or a new conflict arises a second action will be taken. The resolution will be carried out as similar to the first step of conflict resolution with the addition of Dr. Wolf or Mrs. Clark present at the time of discussion with the violator and good standing group members. The final warning will be issued by Dr. Wolf or Mrs. Clark. If the second violation is the same as the first violation, then the violator will be assigned by Dr. Wolf and Mrs. Clark to write and submit an essay regarding their violation, why it is a violation, and the steps they will take to extinguish this violation.
After the second violation, if the violator feels they are incapable of fulfilling their duties as a cooperative group member they are permissible to resign from the collaborative group. A resignation form is acquired from the chairperson of the collaborative group. This form includes date of resignation and reason of resignation. After this form is submitted by the violator to the chairperson, group membership ceases. In the event that the resignee is the chairperson, one may acquire and submit a resignation form from the technology specialist or aggregator. The resignation is implemented and recognized 24 hours after submission.
The third and final violation will result in expulsion of the violator from the collaborative group. Expulsion from the group is taken very seriously. A meeting will be conducted with the violator, group members of good standing, Dr. Wolf, and Mrs. Clark. This meeting will discuss the issue and past violations committed. Upon agreeing of the committed violations which align with the collaboration contract, the violator will be expelled from the group through a verbal acknowledgement. An expulsion contract will be signed and dated by meeting attendees and the violator to keep file by Dr. Wolf and Mrs. Clark for proof of expulsion.
In my Educational Media 3300 class at Auburn University we were assigned weekly reflections. Specifically, reflection number two outlined the expectations of our collaborative group we were assigned to at the beginning of the semester. As a collaborative group we were to complete projects and assignments over the course of the semester. Therefore, we were assigned to construct a contract with one another regarding the position responsibilities of each member, conflicts that may arise, and management of conflict within the collaborative group. This contract was strictly enforced and followed by my collaborative group. This was reflected through goal-oriented meetings, completion of individual work outside of the classroom, and satisfactory assignment and project grades.
As a future educator it is important to acquire the appropriate knowledge and characteristics to effectively collaborate with fellow colleagues. This contract was a building block that shaped how I worked with my collaborative group and the roles I upheld. I will carry this into my future career. Working well with fellow colleagues is necessary to present new ideas and learn from each other. Ultimately, collaboration will improve teacher success and the learning environment for all students. Appropriately interacting with current peers and future colleagues, administration, and parents defines professionalism.